
Cataracts are often the result of the natural ageing process.  They occur when the crystalline lens of our eye loses its transparency as it thickens with time. We can immediately diagnose the presence of cataracts, give you the appropriate correction, and monitor the progression of the cataract. We will advise you when the time has come to consider surgical correction and see you through this process, referring when appropriate either within the NHS or privately. We will also manage your care after the operation.

Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

AMD exists in two forms, either wet or dry.

Our practitioners will advise as to the type of ageing changes detected, and our ultrasound scanning technology has proven invaluable at picking up an early change from dry to wet. It is critical that any wet changes are dealt with promptly by swift referral to the macular clinic.

Where dry change alone is diagnosed we will advise you about your lifestyle and die,  and provide you with the necessary magnification required to allow you to continue reading as long as possible.

Where there is a family history of either type of AMD, regular examination and ultrasound scanning is strongly recommended.

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